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Public Relations

Majoring in Strategic Communications allowed me to have experience writing press releases, pitches, strategic plans and public service announcements. It also challenged me to dig deeper into website, advertisement and media design. Below are a few samples of my work.

Over the course of five months, my partners and I created a public relations campaign for our client Finishing Fitness. Together, we brainstormed each area of the plan to reach our goal of continuing brand awareness and education of Finishing Fitness. Once we had created the plan, we each volunteered to do various tactics. My focus was on the webpage, Google Adwords and the promotional flyers. At the end of the five months, my partners and I presented our campaign to the founder of Finishing Fitness. 

Brainstorming a new product idea, I spent several weeks preparing a Product Launch for Date Doctor. This fictional company provides date boxes of all different kinds for those looking for new date night ideas. This project focused on the importance of Google Adwords and Search Engine Optimization. 

Throughout the classes required for the Strategic Communication major, creating press releases and constructing pitches were things frequently focused on. This is an example of one of the most recent written about a fictional company undergoing a name change.

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